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AZmed | Rayvolve

KI - AZmed Rayvolve


Rayvolve ist ein computergestütztes Diagnosewerkzeug, das alle Arten von Frakturen und Brustkorbpathologien auf Standardröntgenbildern bei Erwachsenen und Kindern erkennen kann. Es ermöglicht Ärzten eine Zeitersparnis von 36 Prozent und eine Reduzierung medizinischer Fehler um 20 Prozent. Die Software ist zu 100 Prozent in den Arbeitsablauf der Ärzte integriert. Es ändert sich nichts an ihren Gewohnheiten, die Vorhersagen werden automatisch in derselben Reihe von DICOM-Untersuchungen erstellt. Außerdem können die Untersuchungen nach Priorität sortiert werden. 



We founded AZmed in August 2018, with the aim of optimizing the workflow of doctors and improving their performance.
We want doctors to be able to spend more time on what is most important: the patients.

We bring together medical and technical expertise to shape the most relevant solutions and contribute to the adoption of AI applications in the health field.

We are a multicultural and dedicated team, operating in the heart of Paris in a welcoming and comfortable workspace. This atmosphere of openness, communication and trust allows us to create a dynamic conducive to pushing all limits.

R&D is at the heart of our activity, more than half of our team is entirely dedicated to the continuous improvement of our scientific and technical knowledge.

We want to realize a work with a positive impact on society and this vision is also supported by an important associative commitment.

Each member of our team is involved in an association and can therefore share their expertise and develop their skills, particularly in terms of adaptability, agility and entrepreneurial spirit.

Innovation serving people


20 Rue des Petits Champs
75002 Paris

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